The UMB Library has a surefire way to improve information literacy for educators, students and lecturers, one of which is the annual e-resources socialization program.
Although not all educators and lecturers can attend but from some of these participants it is expected to be a successor of information to be transferred to educators and lecturers who cannot attend. In this socialization the participants were not only listeners but participants could try directly on the computer provided. Participants can also discuss with librarians who are guides in this socialization.
In his remarks the Head of UMB Library, Mr. Arif Budiyanto as the person in charge of the event hoped that the UMB library as a research center for research.
"I hope the UMB library is not just an ordinary university library but I really want the UMB library to become a research-based library where researchers, lecturers, educators and students get information that can support their research". The head of the UMB library, Bpk Arif Bidiyanto, said in his speech on Thursday (7/2/2019).
This activity was carried out in the computer laboratory room of UMB and was attended by the Director of Learning and lecturers from various departments at the University of Mercu Buana. . (author: Danang Nur Cahyadi / UMB Library Bureau /