Webinar Pelatihan Akses E-Resources Perpustakaan UMB: “Kupas Tuntas E-Journal Proquest, Proquest E-Book Central dan E-Journal Gale Cengage”
14 Jan 2025
kaan Webinar Wakil Rektor Pembelajaran dan Ristek Dr. Erna Setiany, SE, M.Si.
Perpustakaan Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) menga...
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" ".. The Higher Education has responsibility, according to the Law No. 12 Year 2012 concerning Higher Education, where universities have an obligation to participate in the progress of Indonesian civilization. It signifies that Universitas Mercu Buana must continue to encourage its quality, develop scientific skills, as well as enhance research and innovation products, all of which become the higher education performance measurement."