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Participants of UMB Civitas E-Resource Socialization

E-Resources socialization is one of the routine library activities held every semester. This time the socialization activity was held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 in Room T003 in the Central Computer Laboratory in the Ground Floor Tower Building. Participants in the socialization included students and lecturers who were representatives of study programs at UMB. In his remarks the Head of the UMB Library Bureau Mr. M. Arif Budiyanto, S.Kom, M.Hum., Said that the event this time took the theme "E-resource socialization in order to improve Information Literacy of the UMB academic community". He continued The material to be presented at this time's socialization was E-Resources subscribed to by UMB including ejournal Proquest, IEEE Xplore and ebook Central or ebrary, and there was also a material delivery session on the UMB repository. In addition, other e-resource sources were subscribed to by UMB.
The purpose of this activity is in accordance with the theme to improve the ability of UMB civitas information literacy in relation to searching and searching for information that is fast, accurate and in accordance with the needs of users. Besides also in order to support the tri darma of higher education, especially in teaching and research both for lecturers and students. Closing his remarks The Head of the Library Bureau of UMB hopes that the participants of this socialization will get benefits and useful knowledge related to research and teaching at UMB..

Presenters in this activity are Mr. Nandana who is a Sales and Technical Support of PT Jasaraya Tama Jaya Buana who delivered e-journal Proquest, IEEE Xplore and ebook Central or ebrary material. In addition there were other presenters namely Mr. M. Arif Budiyanto, S. Kom, M. Hum., Who delivered the UMB Repository socialization material and several other sources of information such as Rama Repository and Garuda which were reference information provided by the Research and Technology Directorate. In addition, he also explained several other e-resource information sources such as: Ebsco ejournal, Gale Cengage ejournal and Cambridge ebook.

Sambutan KaBiro Perpustakaan

In this activity the committee provided information dissemination material available online so that participants could download it at a certain link that was submitted to the participants during registration. In addition, as an evaluation material, the committee expects responses, comments and input from the participants through a questionnaire that is available online through Googleform media. Furthermore, the results of this evaluation will be used as inputs and improvements for the implementation of further activities.

This information literacy activity becomes part of the library program every year and will continue to develop in socializing it because science will continue to develop along with the development of the industry. (author: Danang Nur Cahyadi / editor: Priyo Raharjo / UMB Library Bureau/

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